Copywriter/content writer for nonprofits / Advertising Copywriter in Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Copywriting A Successful Nonprofit’s Best Kept Secret

Did you know that there are over 1.8 million charities in the U.S. alone?
Each one could benefit from a professional copywriter. The need is great, but the supply is few.

Does your organization or ministry need help with copywriting?

Great Copy Saves Time and Earns Rewards

Nonprofits and ministries budgets are tight
Many times, people are overworked and underpaid.

It is passion for their cause that drives them.

Copywriting and content marketing sometimes falls on the shoulders of team members who do not have the time or know how to copywrite. It takes a specific skill to write for nonprofits and ministries.

Wouldn’t it save time and be easier to just hire a professional nonprofit copywriter?

It is worth the investment, because a good copywriter can have a direct impact on volunteers, corporate sponsors, and reoccurring donors.

It will free up your team to focus on what they are passionate about – THE CAUSE.
It is an investment that will pay for itself.

My name is Kevin Frasure and I am here to help. I have worked in the nonprofit or ministry field for over twenty years.

I understand that the budget is limited for great copy.

I understand the passion that ministries and nonprofit organizations want to make the world a better place.

I understand that volunteers and donors are gold to nonprofits.

Why Work with Me

I am a trained storyteller and copywriter. I have been trained by The Artist and Writers Institute, HFI, HSI, and Truby’s Writers Studio

I have written for Ocean Blue Project, The Boys and Girls Club, Consuming Fire Ministries and others.

I Can Help Your Organization Tap into A Hidden Goldmine

What is that goldmine? It is the goldmine of passionate donors and volunteers more than willing to give to your mission or cause.

COPYWRITING is the shovel that will tap into the hidden volunteers and donors that you may not have known is even out there.

Why Is Great Copywriting Needed for Your Organization?

Great copy helps you:

Identify your audience.

Shows how you are unique to other organizations.

Helps you share your story and organization’s needs in a effective way.

Motivates people to give their time, money, and resources to further your cause.
Helps you retain donors.

Here Are the Types of Copy I Can Help You With

Fundraising Letters

Fundraising letters is still an important way to raise funds for your organization.

You may be missing donors who will not give online by not providing fundraising letters.

According to research by Blackbard Institute fundraising letters remains an effective way to reach mature and baby boomer donors.

It still accounts for 24 percent of charitable giving in the US. 43 percent of baby boomers would rather donate through fundraising letters.

A well-crafted fundraising letter may be the solution to the problem of reaching baby boomers

Cases for Support

A Case for Support or sometimes called a Case Study is an effective tool to receive donations for your organization. It is well worth the investment.

It is a tool that is effective in reaching corporate donors or sponsors.

It is a valuable tool because it not only tells the story of all the great things your organization is doing; it backs it up with facts. A great case for support will show data and facts about how your organization solved a problem that your donors care about.


A study by Campaign monitor showed that 42% of donors prefer hearing from nonprofits via email. Emails are effective because you own your list of donors unlike social media.

Emails are an effective way to build trust and relationships with your donors, making them into repeat donors.

Studies show that email marketing outranks social media, SEO, and PPC advertising.
Emails provides roughly $44 for every $1 spent.


Blogs amplify your mission and spreads awareness of your cause. A blog is used to build trust and show the success of your organization.

Blogs positions you as an expert and motivates donors to give to your cause.



Great Concern For Others
Kevin has a kind heart. He has a great concern for others and puts their needs before his own.
Jenny Robinson

Kevin is honest in all situations, whether it be pertinent to a situation at work or his personal life. He is a kind and gentle man, and is always willing to help others in any way he can. He has intense dedication to his writing and is forever striving to further his education and skills.
Rachel Hartman

Kevin is kind, loyal and committed to the work.
Brenda Showalter

The Ability To See
Kevin has the ability to see the potential in every person. He has great compassion and excels in whatever he puts his mind to.
Scotti Coles

Gentle Giant
Kevin is a friendly, gentle giant. He is an encourager and brightens people’s day.
Michael Angel

Embodies Creativity
Kevin embodies creativity and his tenacity and perseverance on any project is unrivaled. He carries the spirit of a true artist and lives and breathes his craft. He’s not only a joy to be around and work with but he lifts the bar with anyone that he is with both professionally and personally. Sometimes his quiet demeanor can be deceiving and Kevin can be overlooked but their loss and your gain! Kevin is truly a blessing.
Chad Taylor, Consuming Fire Ministries


Blog Copywriting Services Case Studies Copywriting Direct Mail Email Marketing Campaigns Feature Article Copywriting Healthcare Industry Landing Page Copywriting & Optimization Philanthropy Product Descriptions Sales Letters Whitepapers Women's And Children's Issues
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